¿Te conviertes en un barítono cuando te pones debajo de la ducha? Pues bien, si además de cantante mañanero tienes un espíritu eco-friendly, te va a gustar el último grito para la ducha. Se trata de una radio que se alimenta con el propio flujo de agua del grifo. Sin trampa ni cartón. El dispositivo se acopla en la salida de agua y la manguera de la ducha, y lo que a nosotros nos puede resultar algo pintoresco, en África, donde la electricidad no llega a todos los lados y las pilas se venden muy caras, puede resultar realmente interesante.
Fuente: http://es.engadget.com/2011/03/11/radio-para-la-ducha-alimentada-por-agua/
Más información:
9 March 2011 Last updated at 11:37 GMT
Shower-powered FM radio launched
The radio sits on the hose of the shower
A water-powered radio will be music to the ears of those who enjoy a spot of singing in the shower.
The FM shower radio is powered by the motion of water flowing through a micro turbine which in turn drives a generator that creates the energy to power the device.
The invention comes from the team behind the wind-up radio.
Their company had previously appeared on the BBC's, Dragon's Den, where the celebrity investors failed to back it.
The shower-powered radio is fitted in-line between the water supply and shower hose.
The man behind the H2O, Vivian Blick, previously worked with the English inventor Trevor Baylis on his Freeplay wind-up radio.
That invention proved to be a particularly successful in Africa, where the cost of batteries or electricity put traditional radio out of the reach of many.
"Having seen huge success with the commercialisation of the wind-up radio, we're constantly looking into new ways that further innovations in the radio sector could be made," said Mr Blick, who is managing director of Tango Group, which owns H2O.
"We hope to encourage singing in the shower all around the UK," he added.
Fuente: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-12686128
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